Tabbaneh Neighbourhood Profile - Cover image
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UN Habitat

Tabbaneh Neighbourhood Profile

Tabbaneh is a predominantly residential neighbourhood in eastern Tripoli, on the east banks of Abu Ali River. It falls within the jurisdiction of Tripoli Municipality, in Lebanon’s North Governorate. It is a low-income, disadvantaged neighbourhood, exhibiting a relative fragility in terms of historical­ly rooted tensions affecting the security situation, weak public social and basic urban services provision, and limited livelihood opportunities. Covering an area of 0.42 km2, it accom­modates 20,449 people, the vast major­ity (82.9 percent) of whom are Lebanese. Of the remaining 17.1 percent, most (15.3 percent of the total residents) are Syrian, while 0.5 percent are Palestine refugees from Syria. A household survey sam­ple suggests that, of the non-Lebanese households, 78.3 percent arrived in Leb­anon from 2011 to 2017, suggesting the extent to which the Syrian refugee crisis, which started in 2011, has driven the re­cent demographic changes.

Neighbourhood profiles are reports containing original spatialized data and analysis, generated within an area-based framework, and synthesized to respond to the evidence needs of sector specialists, multisector practitioners as well as local authorities. Data is gathered participatively through field and household surveys, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. Neighbourhood profiles offer an integrated place-based analysis covering multiple sectors and issues, including governance; population; safety and security; health; education; child protection; youth; local economy and livelihoods; buildings and housing; basic urban services; and access and open spaces. Data findings are prefaced by a contextualization that covers the neighbourhood’s history. Neighbourhood profiles are in line with the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan [LCRP] 2017–2020 (2018 Update) and the United Nations Strategic Framework (UNSF).