Tridealhouse is a unique, modular, combined steel and concrete house which can be mass-produced in local factories and assembled onsite in 1 or 2 days. It is hurricane and flood resilient. Tridealhouse responds to all of the five needs defined by UN-Habitat to solve the challenges in slums: water, sanitation, durability, living area and ownership. In addition the Tridealhouse can provide a micro-job because it produces food and can generate revenue.

At industrial mass production, with input of universities, R&D centres and industry, we estimate a Tridealhouse would cost around USD$ 10,000. The revenue generation is USD$ 800 + own food and other savings. Due to this, we feel Tridealhouses could be financed by poor families through microfinance support.

Tridealhouse fulfils 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

1- No poverty - it provides a micro-job and micro-income
2- Zero Hunger - it provides more and better food
3- Good Health and Well-being - it creates a healthy environment
5- Gender Equality - it specifically empowers women and children
6- Clean Water and Sanitation - it fulfils WASH needs
7- Affordable and Clean Energy - it offers solar sanitary hot water
8- Decent Work and Economic Growth - it provides a fulfilling micro-job
10- Reduced Inequality - it empowers the poorest, specially provides elderly a pension and food security
11- Sustainable Cities and Communities - it makes cities more sustainable
12- Responsible Consumption and Production – empowering local C&P communities
13- Climate Action - it is climate resilient and climate friendly
17- Partnerships to achieve the Goal - it mobilizes academics, government, civil society, industry, ODA, UN and financiers


Tridealhouse is developed by social entrepreneurs with more than 100 years of development, management, and technology experience. Tridealhouse business model is grown out of a concept of its founder, a MD, of a "basic needs industry". We think certain basic or SDG needs can be met globally by industrial mass production. Then economies of scale, of technology, and of cooperation can play, and deliver advancements that benefit the poorest populations.

About the Urban Solutions Expo:

At the UN-Habitat Assembly an Urban Solutions Expo promoting innovative and sustainable solutions for the challenges facing cities and communities will take place. UN-Habitat invited governments, local authorities, UN agencies, international organizations, private sector, civil society, academia and other stakeholders to present innovative projects, establish connections and look at how the future of our cities and communities can be reshape.


Please note:

The work exhibited at the Urban Solutions Expo solely belongs to the exhibitor of the work. These exhibits are not the work of UN-Habitat or the United Nations nor are they endorsed by or reflect the views or policies of UN-Habitat or the United Nations. UN-Habitat or the United Nations shall in no way be held liable or responsible for the exhibitors’ work.