The lack of efficient urban planning and management systems in Egypt combined with rapid urbanization has generated socio-economic challenges. The implementation of sustainable and well-targeted urban development interventions is therefore crucial and existing urban planning tools are not appropriate to make land available at a pace to match rapid urbanization, resulting in insufficient land supply, increases in land prices, and informality. In this regard, the project will contribute to the Egyptian government’s efforts in managing the expected increase in population and urbanization rates through managing the urban expansion of existing cities. The interventions in the pilot governorates will tackle issues of urban development from a multidimensional perspective, aiming to integrate spatial planning and land management on the one hand and public finance and investment planning on the other hand.

Related Sustainable Development Goals

Related Sustainable Development Goals

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Donors and partners

Based on a participatory approach and building upon evidence-based policy making, the Hayenna project is keen to uphold a close coordination with key partners and with all relevant stakeholders in general as a key aspect of the project. The participatory approach allows the project to benefit from various opinions of the different stakeholders to shape the project at early stages. Consultation of stakeholders on a regular basis allows the project team to ensure that they fully understand the components of the Hayenna project.

Our Experts

Dr. Nihal El Megharbel
Egypt Office