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Pro-Poor Climate Action in Informal Settlements

Urbanization is one of the global megatrends of our time, unstoppable and irreversible. In 30 years, two-thirds of the world’s population will live in urban areas; 90 per cent of this urban growth will take place in less developed regions such as East Asia, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. These are regions where capacity and resources are already constrained, and development challenges are ever more complex and concentrated. Urbanization in such areas is largely unplanned, fuelling the continuous growth of informal settlements, the physical manifestation of urban poverty and inequality. Currently home to some 1 billion people, informal settlements are where the impact of climate change is most acute and where resilience must be strengthened.

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The State of African Cities 2018 - The geography of African investment

The aim of The State of African Cities 2018: The geography of African investment report is to contribute to development policies that can turn African cities into more attractive, competitive and resilient foreign direct investment (FDI) destinations. Attracting global FDI is highly competitive and crosses various geographic scales, therefore regional cooperation by cities and nations is critical. But FDI is not a panacea since it has both positive and negative effects and careful choices need to be made by cities in their pursuit of FDI, if it is to lead to inclusive economic growth. This report aims to provide guidance on these choices and to facilitate understanding of the complexity of global investment in Africa.

Guidelines for Urban Planning
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Guidelines for Urban Planning in Myanmar

UN-Habitat supports city, regional and national authorities to improve and adopt policies, plans and designs for more compact, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities that foster sustainable urban development and are resilient to climate change. As Myanmar is pushing for a sustainable approach to urbanization, it increasingly needs planning capacity. This document is intended to support such development of technical planning expertise.

The document should be disseminated to those in charge of planning in their cities and townships, to act as a handbook for the initial research and design phases of planning. The Guidelines for Urban Planning are based on five principles for sustainable urban development that UN-Habitat promotes for the 21st century’s urban development. It also proposes a step-by-step method for review and development of current and future plans that can be adopted by local planners.

This planning and review approach is illustrated by comments and analysis on the plans of Pyay and Kalay both in citywide and city extension scales. Finally, it provides a set of references for sections and blocks that can be implemented in new developments in Myanmar

UN-Habitat Support to Sustaina
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UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya - Volume 2

Report on Capacity Building for County Governments under the Kenya Municipal Programme. 

This is the second report in a series titled ‘UN-Habitat Support to Sustainable Urban Development in Kenya’. The focus of this report is on capacity development activities conducted for the Kenya Municipal Programme, Cluster I and II urban centres, namely: Mombasa, Kitui and Malindi. The report captures the outcomes of a One-Day Learning Session and a Two-Day Rapid Planning Studio conducted for county technical officers and two One-Day Learning Sessions for Members of County Assemblies.

The content of the report is structured into five sections: Part 1 describes the Background to the Kenya Municipal Programme, and UN-Habitat’s Support to the Programme; Part 2 provides the urbanisation context of Mombasa, Kitui and Malindi; Part 3 examines the implementation of urban development plans and the challenges it faces; Part 4 is a report on the outcomes of the One-Day Learning Sessions; and Part 5 discusses the outcomes of the Two-Day Rapid Planning Studio.

County Engagement Framework fo
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County Engagement Framework for Kenya

This document discusses the existing legislation relating to Urban and Regional Planning in Kenya with a view to highlighting the opportunities and gaps that can be harnessed in respect to international, regional, national and county planning legal and regulatory framework, and planning processes. It aims at providing a nexus for engagement with the County governments of Kenya, to advance sustainable urban and rural settlements and promote the utilization of urban-rural linkages for eventual sustainable county development.

The review of the current planning legal and policy framework examines various local and international policies, laws and regulations that affect planning at the national and county level. The outputs include an outline of viable entry points for collaboration with county governments in Kenya to develop integrated and sustainable county and urban development plans.

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المبادئالتوجيهيةالدولية بشأنالتخطيطالحضري والإقليمي

الحاجة إلى التخطيط لا يمكن المبالغة في التأكيد عليها.التحضريسير بخطى سريعة وبحلول عام 2050 ، سبعة من أصل عشرةأشخاص سيعيشون في المدن. وقد أدت السياسات والخططوالتصاميم الغير ملائمة لعدم تكافء التوزيع المكاني للسكانوالأنشطة، مما أدى إلى انتشار الأحياء العشوائية والازدحام،وضعف الوصول إلى الخدمات الأساسية، والتدهور البيئي،وعدم المساواة الاجتماعية والانعزال.المبادئ التوجيهية الدولية بشأن التخطيط الحضري والإقليمييمكن ان يكون بمثابة مصدر للإلهام وبوصلة لصانعي القراروالمهنيين في المناطق الحضرية عند مراجعة نظم التخطيطالحضري والإقليمي. توفر المبادئ التوجيهية الحكومات الوطنيةوالسلطات المحلية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني وخبراء التخطيطبالإطار المرجعي العالمي الذي يعزز مزيد من الإحكام ،شاملة اجتماعيا و مدن واقاليم اكثر تكاملا و تربطا و التيمن شأنها أن تعزز التنمية الحضرية المستدامة و تجعلهاقادرة على الصمود بوجه التغير المناخ.

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规划的地位至关重要。全球城镇化正在迅速推 进,到2050年,每十个人中将有七个人居住在 城市。规划政策、方案和设计不当导致了人群 和活动空间分布的不合理,贫民窟蔓延,交通 拥堵,穷人难以享受基本公共服务,自然环境 恶化,社会不公和隔离。

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Global Public Space Toolkit: From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice

Despite its importance in promoting sustainable urban development, public space has not been given the attention it deserves in literature and, more importantly, in the global policy arena. Yet there is a growing body of principles and sound policies for improving access to good public space in our cities, as well as a growing patrimony of good practices from different urban settings around the world. 

This toolkit will be a practical reference for local governments to frame and implement principles, policy recommendations and development initiatives on public space and for central governments to aid their efforts with material support and enabling legislation. It will also serve the purpose of demonstrating the value of the involvement of the citizenry and civil society in securing, developing and managing public space in the city.

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都市と国土計画に係る 国際ガイドライン

都市化において、計画は何をおいても必要なも のです。急激な都市化により、2050 年には10 人中7 人が都市居住者となると言われています。 誤った政策、計画、デザインにより、人と様々 な活動が都市空間の中で適切に配置されず、そ の結果、スラムの拡大、人口過密、基本的サー ビスの欠如、環境破壊、そして社会的格差や人 種的分離という問題が生じています。 「都市と国土計画に係る国際ガイドライン」は、 都市と国土計画の体制を検討するにあたって、 意思決定者や都市専門家にインスピレーション を与え、方向を示す羅針盤となります。本ガイ ドラインは、政府、地方自治体、市民団体、そ して都市計画の専門家に、コンパクトで社会的 包摂性に富み、持続的、統合的で接続性に優れ た都市を建設するための国際的な参考枠組みを 提供するものです。それにより、持続可能で気 候変動にレジリエンスのある都市の開発を促進 します。

IGUTP Portuguese
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Diretrizes Internacionais para Planejamento Urbano e Territorial

Nunca enfatizaremos o suficiente a importância imprescindível do planejamento. A urbanização está progredindo com rapidez e, até 2050, sete de cada dez pessoas estarão morando em cidades. Políticas, planos e desenhos inapropriados levaram a uma distribuição espacial inadequada de pessoas e atividades inadequada, resultando na proliferação de favelas, congestionamentos, acesso limitado a serviços básicos, degradação ambiental, inequidade social e segregação.

As Diretrizes Internacionais para Planejamento Urbano e Territorial incluem doze princípios fundamentais e uma série de recomendações orientadas para a ação, baseadas em fortes evidências, práticas inspiradoras e lições aprendidas de várias regiões e contextos. As Diretrizes enfatizam a necessidade de uma abordagem integrada para o planejamento e abrange áreas de política e governança urbana, desenvolvimento urbano sustentável, elementos de planejamento e mecanismos de implementação e monitoramento.